Miss the green in the cold

These are some paintings I made in the summer. Ohh.. How I miss the heat. Hahaha… You must have thought that I’m crazy.

I was born in Malaysia and had spent 2/3 of my life there. As much as I love this country that I am now living in, I can’t get myself to like the coldness of winter. I like how soft the snowflakes were, not the temperature that had brought them to me.

I still remember that when I was in my first and second year in Japan, I would have more than 4 to 5 layers of clothes everyday during winter to endure the coldness. They were heavy and bulky, but warm. I would look rounder than I was in summer, during winter. Half of the reason was my clothings, another half was the unlimited appetite during the cold days. I guess I was trying to get the warmth from the hot food, by trying to persuade myself that I needed more fat to keep myself warm enough 😀

I get much better now. As long as I don’t have to stay outdoor for a long time, I can reduce my clothes to around 2 to 3 layers depending on the thickness. But I still don’t really like winter. The daytime is shorter. Everyday, I woke up in the darkness, and when I leave the office (even if I leave on time) in the darkness. It was during my first winter in this country that I realize how I love sunlight.

I hope that warmer days are nearer, though the coldest days have yet to come (sigh). Take care everyone, don’t catch cold!

My little oasis

Being away from home, can be very lonesome. Of course, there might be more freedom; but, still, living in a city where no one close is around, days can be as dull and tough as you can ever imagined. 

To compensate for whatever stress i came across the day, these are the little warmth that would answer honestly to the time spent and the effort paid.